Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I can only think of one thing that I have come to be a part of, and that is hunting. Going elk hunting since I was 10 to our annual place South of Livingston has made me apart of what it truly means to elk hunt. Not only how tough the terrain is to traverse and how challenging it is to down an elk and pack it back to camp, but to hang out with my dad and a few of our good friends to talk tactics about a day's hunt or visiting about life outside camp while in the cool mountains in a tent with the stove going and dinner cooking. Because of this I feel like I have been apart of the hobby, and it is who I am. Sometimes my inner city boy comes out when I'm not doing something that has to deal with working on our place or hanging with friends, but when it comes to hunting season, i ready to saddle my horse and ride into camp ready to work hard knowing that it might or might not pay off on getting an elk. That is what makes it so fun is that every weekend is different so it keeps me on my toes. I feel this is a connection to Lewis and Clark becuase they explored the West for so long, it became a part of them and not knowing what was on the other side of that river bend, hill, or mountain range kept them on their toes to any obsticles that was thrown in their way. I knew what they felt like when they topped a mountain range, because they were so anxious to see that Pacific Ocean of that river going down to the ocean, just like me when I crest a ridge in hopes that I will see elk in the bowl below it. It really keeps things exciting, and if we see what we are looking for we are happy, but if not we may get a little dissapointed, but we still push on to reach our ultimate goal.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friendship for Lewis and Clark

I think that working as a team did insure success. Think about other things that require a team to accomplish things, and if done correctly will portray good results, such as sports team or even hunting. I don't know how things would be different if Lewis and Clark were the face of literature... who is now? I think Western Literature would still go on, however it would be nice to know who made the face of Western Lit so I could make a comparison. Like I said above freindhip was crucial to the expedition especially when it came to survival. With a friendship, people could trust each other, and trust is a major factor when it comes to surving just because you know each other limits which better prepares a single person or group to better adapt to a situation thrown at them.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Lewis and Clark expedition

This not being my first time learning about Lewis and Clark, I don't know quite what to write about.  I think their friendship was a crucial factor in the success of their expedition.  Them knowing what they were doing or knowing ehat to do in a hairy situation made their journey a success.  I also think since they were the first white people the Indians saw, they did not know what to think of them. Because of this, most of them did no act hostile.  They were more in wonderment of maybe even had some confusion going on. Maybe they were thinking what a white man is doing this far West?  But having the Indians help them out by giving them horses, provisons, and advise, kept them alive and helped them complete their journey.