Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Breaking News

In recent studies I believe that there are no myths in one's childhood. I think that everyone goes through childhood, and they live or have lived it in the moments of truth. What I mean is, most people have learned from childhood of advice, what right and wrong, when you can get away with something, and even a few rules of life. There is no myth to that. We have learned and moved on from the past.

Mrs Lannen asked what the author is trying to say, and Chris Emter responded to this question by saying, "I really do not know what he is trying to say, if the author is saying what I think he is saying, that childhood is a myth, than I am going to have to disagree with him because my childhood was no myth. It was real, and I learned a few of the guidelines I mentioned above from childhood, and that is the cold hard truth."

1 comment:

  1. I think maybe he was saying the same thing Christian, childhood is real and there are cold hard truths, it is not an idyllic, perfect time as some would have you believe that is carefree with no worries.
