Wednesday, October 5, 2011

So many questions

I think the goal of the movie was to show that a small man can take down a big man.  I think they went back in time in the movie, almost like a dream after they  showed  the part of the house that got burned with all of the cactus roses. They showed the events that led up to that scene in the movie. I thought the goal of the story was like the goal in the movie ecept without all the details like the movie had. I think the senator was basically saying to keep his pride or reputation that he was great friends with Bert, but really he didn't like him, so it kind of comes out that they were like friendemies.

1 comment:

  1. I agree some authors are probably just happy to make the money, but I think some really care about their craft and ideas. I think in this case with this movie, the themes have been retained but things have been added to make it a full length movie.
