Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Movie Review

When it comes to westerns, Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner are pretty good choices for acting in such a movie. The movie was "Open Range", which involves free grazers grazing their cattle on the prairie, and some town folk not taking politely to them doing that. Even though this was made in Hollywood, and Lonesome Dove would have ben a better choice to watch, since it is way more realistic, Robert Duvall also plays in this one, and it was longer which would take up more class time. But Open Range was easy to follow, and kept every thing moving along to it wasn't too boring, and that was made possible by Kevin Costner himself. you cant make a show without some romance in it so they threw in scenes of Sue Barlow (Annette Bening) and Charlie Waite (Kevin Costner) falling in love.
The plot takes place throughout the vast prairies with Boss Spearman (Robert Duvall) and Charlie trying to defend their life and belongings from people who do not like free grazers. The find themselves in the midst of gunfights and romance when Sue and Charlie falling in love. Before this Charlie was just a loner needing some love. In the end, Justice prevails, and the free grazers go on living their life.
I think they portrayed themselves well in the roles they were given. throughout the movie there was some humor thrown in and I think that's what made Costner and Duvall work well together in the movie. They both also have acting backgrounds in previous western movies, so they had an idea on what to direct and what should be in the film. If their goal was to entertain us, then they succeeded. The only thing I didn't like was the romantic part because it was the slow point of the movie. But overall I think they were able to get their point across that free grazers were not welcomed, and they had to defend for themselves that they had to fight to keep what they owned.
Well the music definitely makes a movie more dramatic, but also at the same times fill sin the empty spots during that movie so it won't be too boring. I think the music helps draw the watcher into the movie and into the scenes. Certain film techniques were used in a lot of stunt scenes in Open Range. Gun fights, jumping out of barns, and riding really fast on horses all need to be taken care of in a safe manner, but also must be real enough to persuade the viewer to watch and be drawn into the awww of the movie.
Since this is a western, they have to make the people look older than they actually are, and that showed through with Sue. She looked like she was 50 when she was maybe only in her 30's. They also have the spurs, the cowboy outfits, the 2x4 constructed buildings, muddy streets, and revolvers. I even picked up on on how they called the shot gun a scatter gun. Today we just call it a shotgun because that is what is being shot out of the shell. So little old details like that also make a Hollywood film seem more realistic. Seth said "This is one of the only movies that it sounds like they are actually shooting their guns." So either they had great sound effects, or they were actually able to make the movie even more realistic by actually shooting guns.
Overall if you are looking for a good Hollywood western, and you are a fan of action with some romance and drama mixed in, this is a good movie for you to watch. I have watched it a few times and have liked it every time. I do not think you can go wrong with the movie due to the fact they have to great actors; Robert Duvall and Kevin Costner.

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