Friday, February 10, 2012


So based on our model and I hope we are [art of the group that took it seriously but I think we could live quite a long time in our society. I think once we get used to being Indians and living their lifestyle we could live for a while. I mean the Indians lived for such a long time based on their system of councils and ways of life. In my own thoughts it is a step back from progress. We are readopting the ways of the Indians, but it is for the better of future generations so we can straightened out a lot of the mess I explained in my last blog. I say we set a time period for 50 years for our Utopian society. If we make it that long then we can go longer. I think it could be longer than most peoples just by how they had things work such as only exporting. I asked well what do you do when all of your resources are depleted, and they said  with their newly advanced technology they can replace it. Here again if all of their technology is ran off of electricity then all the electricity would have to do is go out for a month and they would be hurting. Unless it was powered by renewable energy, but they did not mention that. Another set up a group had was cloning. It would be interesting with the people that they chose to clone, but if they were to clone themselves i believe their society would go down hill fast. Why? Cause they cloned girls, ha ha and we all no what happens when women get involved in things or try do do something... complete chaos. No offence or anything honestly. So those are just some ideas that i was thinking of based off of some of your ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I think that it would be difficult to give up some of our advances and go back to living such a primitive life; but at the same time it might be refreshing.
    BE SURE TO PROOF you have multiple errors.
