Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Time Machine

People are very interested in what is out in the world and it motivates them to explore it. Either they have nothing else to do r are just purely interested in finding a way to help mankind. They may have been motivated by a teacher like in our current book Frankenstein or by themselves because they have a brain that can wrap around odd and unknown ideas that normal humans can't. A big part of devoting life to science exploring is the ability to use technology. For example we humans can not explore mars without a lunar model or craft that can land and take samples of the planet and send it back to Earth. Humans can't make this trip yet due to Mar's atmosphere that can not support a human with out supplying human with sufficient gear. Some people accidental die when they are working on an experiment that can be used for future explorations. Some people find ways to change things but are harmful to man kind and are kept secret such as Area 51. A lot of people do not believe in it but a lot of people do. If it does exist the government is keeping it a secret because it contain information that could put people in a frantic state of mind knowing that there are other life forms. Like I mentioned above some scientific findings are beneficial to man because they can help our health or how we live. We are tyring to find a cure for cancer which will be beneficial for our health, however with this finding more people will have a better chance of living and can disrupt what mother nature has in store. With more people living it will take longer for people to die off and start new generations. I can think of the movie I Am Legend where scientists found a cure for cancer and it was working until all of a sudden it didn't and it created havoc for mankind. In Time Machine people were lazy and did not keep any records of the past and every body was brain washed. And it was the same in Anthem, however they did keep records of their new society but everyone was brainwashed except for one boy who fought through it all and ran away to create his own society.

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