Friday, May 11, 2012

Robots and Humans

Ummm yeah, people do do things that can create a bad image for other people such as stealing, murdering, politics, and even polluting. However there are always the good of humanity that contribute to society and give their ideas that also help out the world or the human race. Robots are more efficient and through our book they are very controllable for the most part. There are some glitches in robots once in a while but the longer we study them the quicker we can fix these glitches. However, I just don't see our future run by walking robots. So considering this, humans are the superior and better breed of the world right now. Why? well we are the creators of robots, we brought them into this world we can take them out just as easily. They are artificial intelligence, and we are real intelligence... for the most part.

Friday, March 30, 2012

The Quote

When one is on a journey they can become lost within it it with all the obstacles that are thrown in one's way. However if one's goal is that important they can get back on track and keep moving ahead. Not even starting the journey is worse because one will have nothing to look forward to or have an adventure. The book I can think of with this in it is Frankenstein. Victor had a journey... well two actually. One was to create a monster which he did and the other was to hunt down the monster which he did but unsuccessfully. There are lots of journeys out there and one of mine is to go through college. I know there will be obstacles in the way but if I want a good paying job and status in this world I need to get a degree. That is what is in my life that I am comparing to the quote.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bio Poem


Beautiful, addicted, attractive, pneumatic

Boyfriend of Henry

Lover of Bernard, soma, and sex

Who feels popular, frustrated, and pain

Who needs soma, sex, and money

Who fears living a life without some, sex and someone to be with her

Who gives hope for infants, “love” for Henry, and “love” for Bernard

Who would like to see John naked

Resident of World State


Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Being able to be top dog to teach everyone below you on what you want is portrayed in the book. The language and skills the hierarchy teaches all the newly hatched children helps them try to achieve stability in their society. And i you think about it some of our happenings in society and the ones in BNW come form Shakespeare there for making it a good medium for the book. it gives the ideas more support which can be expressed more strongly if they have more support. Also a lot of people live their lives based off of information like Shakespeare so he has influenced today's behavior and actions as well.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Basically it is saying that a community exists by having stability and having the same identity. For having one identity it is a lot easier to control life that having many identities like a mother would have by giving attention and meeting the needs of four children. And with the many processes they have they are able to easily sustain a community. For their operation I think it fits well and is very interesting to read about. I guess I'm part of a community but have not fully fulfilled my identity because I'm not 18 yet to where things really start to count. Right now I have stability with living with my parents so when I move out there is going to be a little instability until I find my roots. Yes these things are important for today's society where one is judged constantly. I live in a small society so it isn't too bad compared to what is out in the real world. I don't know yet, I will have to see when it comes.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


I liked the movie better because it was easier to understand and follow. There were a few differences like Victor in the movie brings Elizabeth back to life, but in the book he doesn't. Victor was portrayed more as a victim in the movie than in the book, and we discussed in class why that might be. We said it was because Victor was the director of the movie so he wanted to make himself look better. In the book the monster was shot at the river while saying the girl but in the movie that scene did not happen. But ya, not every movie will be just like the book. In this case I liked the movie better because of how deep the author was into her writting; it made it harder for me to understand for some reason.

Thursday, February 23, 2012


He does what he does because he in curious and has a mad love for science. I think he has the right because nobody is stopping him from doing it and nobody will stop him form creating hs monster. Well you will be able to read a lot about it in my essay because I'm doing good science vs. bad science. But I think that what he is doing is a wrong way to use science. Like today where they trying out cloning methods to save lives or create a healthier population or a better way of life for humans. Genetic testing is awesome because they can prevent diseases and find out who lived when and how long ago someone died. For the most part genetic testing is a positive way of helping out. Yes Victor had the right to do what he did, but he went about it wrong and it turned out to be a bad idea. I mean I do not know if there was a law saying that he could not create a human, but grave robbing was frowned upon.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Time Machine

People are very interested in what is out in the world and it motivates them to explore it. Either they have nothing else to do r are just purely interested in finding a way to help mankind. They may have been motivated by a teacher like in our current book Frankenstein or by themselves because they have a brain that can wrap around odd and unknown ideas that normal humans can't. A big part of devoting life to science exploring is the ability to use technology. For example we humans can not explore mars without a lunar model or craft that can land and take samples of the planet and send it back to Earth. Humans can't make this trip yet due to Mar's atmosphere that can not support a human with out supplying human with sufficient gear. Some people accidental die when they are working on an experiment that can be used for future explorations. Some people find ways to change things but are harmful to man kind and are kept secret such as Area 51. A lot of people do not believe in it but a lot of people do. If it does exist the government is keeping it a secret because it contain information that could put people in a frantic state of mind knowing that there are other life forms. Like I mentioned above some scientific findings are beneficial to man because they can help our health or how we live. We are tyring to find a cure for cancer which will be beneficial for our health, however with this finding more people will have a better chance of living and can disrupt what mother nature has in store. With more people living it will take longer for people to die off and start new generations. I can think of the movie I Am Legend where scientists found a cure for cancer and it was working until all of a sudden it didn't and it created havoc for mankind. In Time Machine people were lazy and did not keep any records of the past and every body was brain washed. And it was the same in Anthem, however they did keep records of their new society but everyone was brainwashed except for one boy who fought through it all and ran away to create his own society.

Friday, February 10, 2012


So based on our model and I hope we are [art of the group that took it seriously but I think we could live quite a long time in our society. I think once we get used to being Indians and living their lifestyle we could live for a while. I mean the Indians lived for such a long time based on their system of councils and ways of life. In my own thoughts it is a step back from progress. We are readopting the ways of the Indians, but it is for the better of future generations so we can straightened out a lot of the mess I explained in my last blog. I say we set a time period for 50 years for our Utopian society. If we make it that long then we can go longer. I think it could be longer than most peoples just by how they had things work such as only exporting. I asked well what do you do when all of your resources are depleted, and they said  with their newly advanced technology they can replace it. Here again if all of their technology is ran off of electricity then all the electricity would have to do is go out for a month and they would be hurting. Unless it was powered by renewable energy, but they did not mention that. Another set up a group had was cloning. It would be interesting with the people that they chose to clone, but if they were to clone themselves i believe their society would go down hill fast. Why? Cause they cloned girls, ha ha and we all no what happens when women get involved in things or try do do something... complete chaos. No offence or anything honestly. So those are just some ideas that i was thinking of based off of some of your ideas.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Distopian Society

The first thing that pops into my mind is choosing leaders that are not crooked in some way, but it would be hard to do because of the love for money. Politicians give themselves raises and do not make the best decisions for the U.S. Also, our national debt that has been accumulating ever since U.S. was founded has raised concerns throughout the nation. People are wondering whether or not we are going to hit a depression in the economy. My personal opinion, one that is based on talking with my parents, is having a depression might do us a little bit of good. Everything will restart and people will have to learn to go out and actually work for their money or food. Another thing to look at is our countries leaders. I must say it would be hard to vote for people in the first place due to the fact that there wasn't a presidential candidate in our last election that was worth getting excited about. Think about it, we had Sarah Palin who tried to run but dropped out of the races. This says to me that she is unstable about finishing the job. We had an old fart to choice from named John McCain who would probably die of a heart attack before he finished out his four years. And then we have the God Almighty Barrack Obama who isn't even an American citizen and he was elected for president. He claims to be, but it is just another one of the many lies he fed to Americans just to be elected into the white house. Due to him being Muslim and not supporting what is left of America, his main goal is to break America down from the inside. Why? Cause he is Muslim and from what I see we were fighting Muslims and Obama was helping the enemy out. So given my rants and raves, we can bypass all of the bs in our government and start new to build a new and improved government that will actually be worth something or give something to America that we can use in the future.

I definitely think Rand had a great idea of Equality breaking off out of the system that had so many people brainwashed and starting his own society. He created his own using the opposite of what he was was apart of before. He has seen what it has done to a society and he wants to make something better, and I agree with him because he has a chance to clean things up and restart; just like what we need right now in America.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Rainy Oconnell (She Laughed when she read this)

Rainy is over sized. She told me to mention something about her boobs but I don't think i will. But Rainy and I are friends and loves to come up to our house. She has a chinchilla and is going to get me a hedge hog for a gift sometime. She loves men and is really interested in the pot belly guys... especially the hairy ones with a mullet. She saw Ms. Perkins the other night and she said "She was chugging stuff with Forest." Rainy has promised to make me a sandwich sometime, and she does take offense to that. Rainy is really hyper and has long legs, and eats a ton. If you have any other questions for her you can get a hold of her at Her main environment is a tree. She usually sleeps 2 hours per day and is out man hunting the rest of the 22 hours. Her main food source is elephant with a side coarse of chinchilla. She thinks I am really, but won't date me because I don't have a mullet and a pot belly. Like I said, if you have any other questions you can contact her at the email above. And yes she did create that email this year at the age she is at. I know, I thought it was weird too.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Power at Bridger

OMG this weekend especially Sunday was a great day to go snowboarding. With 10 inches of new powder it meant an awesome day of snowboarding. So David, Wyatt, Matt and I drove up, go there did about four runs before the power went out and they shut down all the lifts shut down. It was kind of infuriating, but we made do and went to Bozeman to mess around a bit. However we do get a free ski day for our reimbursement. And thats about it it was a very short day that is why this post is kind of short.